Hey guys i get alot of website ideas, some from clan sites, some just out of thin air... But as you can see the topic name is Get to Know Us. You have that on the homepage but this is diff. This is to help bring us closer like a family. A community can nvr do this b/c they are too big and not well knowing of each other. This would go up top where PORTAL, HOME, CALENDER is at and would be called Us or something. Basicall If a member wants to he can post a pic of himself on it, and post some details(none too personal) just common stuff we should know...sports, hobbies(bsides gaming) capture card, youtube, gt, state, country.... This would be a great idea for new comers to see wat type of people we are. If you go to optic nation.net you see their roster page has this and its just little details to help people get to kow them better. Optic, i feel, is a very family clan. They are close enough to jk around with each other, but stay serious. This is not a must for TcK members, this is mearly something to help us become more like a family type clan.
Thanks for reading